A daughter who reportedly beat and verbally abused her mother has been arrested and was in Police custody.

Police acted after a caller revealed the incident to Radio 87.5 FM on Monday morning.

Police said the mother has been taken to Vaiola hospital for examination and she was later relocated to stay with another family member in Ha’ateiho.

As we reported, a woman told the radio talk back show the mother had repeatedly tried in vain to escape while her daughter beat and verbally abused her.

She alleged the mother has been dragged from a car and on the road while neighbours watched.

It was also alleged the mother, who is now confirmed to be 68-year-old, had been held against her will and forced to bathe on her own after being beaten.

It was claimed the mother was losing weight and regularly sought help from her neighbour.

At one stage the neighbour had threatened to call the Police when the daughter allegedly arrived at her home to retrieve her mother after she tried to escape while she was being beaten.

Radio host Katalina Tohi said she was shocked to hear about the incident and said the radio station would contact the Police.

“That’s cruel,” she told the caller.

The caller alleged the incidents began late last year after the mother returned from the United States, but because she respected her neighbour she had been reluctant to call Police.

She said this morning she had reached the stage where she could bear it no longer when she saw the mother being dragged inside the house and beaten.

She said they could tell when the mother was being beaten because they could hear her crying and screaming.

She said that recently, while they knew she was being beaten, they could not hear her voice, a sign she was physically losing energy and weight.

The woman appealed to the radio station to do something to help as the situation was deplorable.

She said she would not go into details on the matter, but she was willing to give evidence with her family if there was legal action to save the mother.


  1. Kuo ‘i he kau Polisí ʻa e ʻofefine ne tukuakiʻi ki heʻene tā mo leakoviʻi ʻene faʻeé hili ʻeni ha lāunga mei Maʻufanga ki he letiō 87.5.

    Pehē mei he kau Polisí kuo nau ʻave ʻa e faʻeé ni ki fale mahaki ke fai hono sivi pea kuo fakahiki foki ia ke nofo mo hano fāmili ʻi Haʻateiho.

    ʻOku teʻeki mahino ha fakaʻilo kuo fai ki he ʻofefine ko ʻení mo e fakaikiiki e ngāue kuo fai ki ai ʻe he kau Polisí.

    Hangē ko ia ne mau ʻosi līpooti atú ne pehē tokua ne toho ʻe he ʻofefiné ni ʻene faʻeé mei ha kā pea ʻi he halá lolotonga ne sio e kaungāʻapí.

    Ne toe pehē ne fakapōpulaʻi e faʻeé ni ʻa ia kuo fakapapauʻi mai ʻeni ʻokú ne taʻu 68 pea fakamālohiʻi ke ʻalu ʻo kaukau hili hono taá.

    Ne toe pehē ne holo kovi ʻaupito ʻa e fineʻeikí mo toutou hola kumi tokoni ki he kaungāʻapí.

    Ne aʻu ki he tuʻunga ne fakamanaʻi ʻe he kaungāʻapí e ʻofefiné ni mo tala ange ʻe tā ki he kau polisí hili ia haʻane aʻu ange ke ʻave ʻene faʻeé hili ia ʻene hola ʻi hano tā.

    Ne ʻohovale e tokotaha ne ne fakahoko fatongia mei he letioó heʻene fanongo ki he meʻa ko ʻeni ne hokó mo ne pehē ʻe fai ʻenau ngāue ko ai.

    “Fuʻu angakovi ʻaupito ia”, ko ʻene tali atu ia ki he taha ne tā angé.

    Pehē ʻe he tokotaha telefoní ne kamata e meʻá ni he konga ki mui ʻo e taʻu kuo ʻosí hili ia ha foki mai ʻa e faʻeé ni mei ʻAmelika, ka koeʻuhī ne ne fakaʻapaʻapaʻi pe hono kaungāʻapí ko ia ne ʻikai ai ke ne loto ke fai mo lāunga leva.

    Ka ne ne pehē ʻi heʻene aʻu mai ki he pongipongi ʻaneafí ne toki ʻosi moʻoni ʻene kātaki pea ne pehē ke lāunga ā hili haʻane fanongo ne toe tā e fineʻeikí pea toho ki fale.

    Ki muʻa atú fakatatau ki he tokotaha ne lāungá ne ala fanongo atu pe ki he taimi naʻe tā aí he tangi mo e kaikaila ʻa e fineʻeikí.

    Ka ʻi he konga mai ki mui ní ne nau ʻilo pe ʻoku tā ka e ʻikai ke nau toe fanongo ki hano leʻó, ko e fakaʻilonga ʻene holo kovi ʻaupito pea ʻikai kei ai hano iví.

    Ne mātuʻaki tautapa e fefiné ni ki he letioó ke nau tokoni ʻo fai ha meʻa he ne fuʻu fakaʻofa ʻaupito e fineʻeikí pea fakalilifu e meʻa ne hokó.

    Ne ne pehē ne ʻikai fuʻu fakaikiiki ʻene fakamatalá ka ʻe loto lelei ke fakamoʻoni mo hono fāmilí ka ʻi ai ha ngāue fakalao ke haofakiʻi e moʻui ʻa e faʻē ko ʻení.